Monday, October 6, 2014

Supernatural S10?

Hey Blogger-UNOs! Tomorrow is season 10 of Supernatural. In honor of that, I decided to share my predictions for season ten. Enjoy.

We all know how season 9 ended. Although the ending doesn't completely shock me, I still am very excited to see how the creators of supernatural end up fixing the situation. If you were not present during season 9 all you must know is that Dean dies (no shocker) and Crowley brings Dean back to life. But not in the way Sam is hoping for. Crowley turns Dean into a demon.

Fortunately, it doesn't look like Dean will be turning back human for a while. The creators have explained in a few interviews that Crowley has not just put a demon inside Dean, but made deans soul a demon. Now how are they getting out of this? 

Whenever one of the Winchesters die, which is a lot, Castiel always ends up bringing them back to life. But now that Castiel is fading, all of the work is on Sam. In the new S10, EP1 premiere commercial it shows Castiel Evilly saying "now this will be fun." Castiel presented an oh-so-evil smirk that we, as viewers, still have not gotten used to. Also, he was covered in blood. If that didn't send chills down your spine, then what does? 

In the same commercial, it shows Sam tormenting a cross-roads demon, asking where his brother his with witty remarks. Did you all notice the look on Sams face? It looks like his face a few seasons back when he was Lucifers Vessel. Pure evil. He also held a cup to the bleeding demon, pouring large amounts into the cup. Although unexplained in the ad, does this mean Sam is drinking demon blood again to gain strength to get Dean back? Expecially since Castiel turns evil too? 

Thanks Ruby. We all hate you. (Don't lie)

Is this how supernatural ends? Yes they have contracts for a few more seasons, but fans, including me, have speculated that Supernatural will end by all the characters turning evil, simply because there is just too much evil for 3 guys too fight. 

We're not sure. But we will have a few answered questions tommorrow, because S10 premieres then. 

One things for sure, we may not have that many Wincest moments this season.
Prepair yourselves. 

Until next time.

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