Hello beauts! As known in my last blog post I was super excited for the Season 10 premiere for Supernatural.
I might of had my expectations too high.
To starts off, I'll share what I was very excited for. Misha.
Yes, we did get A LOT of Castiel in this episode.
Too bad it was dreadfully boring.
Let me explain.
Each season there are around two new female angels that get attached to Cas and end up being evil or dying. (Ex. Anne Milton, Naomi, Tessa.) And it's horrible.
I'm not saying the entertainingly horrible...
I'm saying it was straight up "yawn" worthy.
All the female angels do is talk. And in a SEASON PREMIERE there needs to be less talk and a lot more action.
All that new angel girl with "gag-dacular" bangs did was self pitty herself.
What she said:
"Oh Castiel! He almost killed me!"
"I killed him because he tried to kill me!"
What she ment:
"Castiel! I came after him with an angel killing knife so he tried to protect himself from me! So I killed him! (Even though if he tried to come back to heaven with us I would've killed him anyways because I'm a skank.)
Even though she kept complaining that she was getting weak and acted like Castiel could've saved her, but in reality. CASTIELS HUMAN AND YOUR FOCUSING ON HERSELF!
I'm getting Horrifyingly mad thinking about this so I'm moving on to my next dilemma.
Dean. Oh, Dean.
Isn't it disappointing how he didn't act like a DEMON?
I don't know if it's because he acted like a demon before he was one (sleeping with woman, looking at porno mags in public, getting drunk 24/7, and attacking demons) But isn't it dumb how he had feelings?
He didn't want his brother to die, even when he is a demon. I though when he was a demon he would be ruthless, wanting to hunt sam and slaughter him to pieces. Not.... Protect sam?
Come on the CW! If your gonna make Dean a "Deanmon" then you might-as-well make him evil!
That leaves me to my last dilemma...
All the previews played in the first 5 minutes of the show.
Ugh. Enough said.
Final conclusion:
I will make my final conclusion after next weeks episode. I need more action because I'm dying of Boredom. I just really hope this isn't another season 7.
Post your thoughts of S10 in the comments!
Night lovelies!
Until next time,
Wednesday, October 8th, 2014.